St. Davids Cathedral
Built by Harrison & Harrison 2000 54/IVP
St Davids is a cathedral city located in Pembrokeshire, Wales, Situated on the River Alun. The city is named after Saint David, the patron saint of Wales, whose resting place is within the cathedral. St Davids holds the distinction of being the United Kingdom's smallest city by population, with 1,751 residents recorded in the wider community in 2021, and by urban area.
St Davids was granted city status in the 12th century. Unlike other regions, city status in England and Wales was not automatic but was traditionally awarded to towns with cathedrals, following practices established in the early 1540s during the reign of Henry VIII, when he founded dioceses. Although St Davids lost its city status in 1886, it was restored in 1994 at the request of Queen Elizabeth II.
In 1883, Father Willis constructed a three-manual organ with 32 stops, which was installed on the quire screen. However, its appearance faced criticism, with one observer describing it as "a poor exhibition of woodwork and paint." The entire organ was housed within its case, except for the longest pipes of the Pedal Open Diapason and Violone, which were placed in the south nave triforium and behind the north choir stalls, where they remain to this day. The Pedal Ophicleide was added by the Willis firm in 1906.
In 1953, Hill, Norman & Beard rebuilt the organ within a new, much smaller case designed by the Cathedral Architect, Alban Caroë, resulting in a very cramped layout. The original tracker action with a pneumatic lever was replaced with pneumatic action, a new console was installed, and most of the Pedal stops were relocated to the south of the choir stalls.
Over the following forty years, numerous modifications were made to the organ, including the installation of electro-pneumatic action and the remodelling of the Choir Organ by Rushworth & Dreaper in 1980. One of the most significant changes, carried out by Percy Daniel & Co, was the addition of twelve 32ft Open Wood pipes from St Marylebone Parish Church, which were installed in the south transept in 1988. Fortunately, 31 of Father Willis's original stops (including some that were safely stored at the Deanery) survived these alterations, providing inspiration for the new organ completed in 2000.
As a crucial first step, the Caroë case was redesigned in consultation with Caroë and Partners, the Cathedral architects, with the west elevation being entirely new. The main section of the organ, including the new Tuba and most of the Pedal Organ, is now housed within the enlarged case on the screen. The new West Choir Organ is in a "chair" case that projects towards the nave, while the new console, like its predecessors, is located on the south side of the screen. The East Choir Organ is situated on the south side of the choir stalls, along with the new Contra Trombone rank. Dr. Roy Massey served as the consultant for the project, alongside the Cathedral Organist at the time, Geraint Bowen.
Double Open Wood 32
Open Diapason 16
Open Wood 16
Bourdon 16
Violone 16
Principal 8
Bass Flute 8
Fifteenth 4
Contra Trombone 32
Trombone 16
Ophicleide 16
West Choir
Lieblich Gedackt 8
Viole d'Amour 8
Lieblich Flute 4
Principal 4
Nazard 2 2/3
Open Flute 2
Tierce 1 3/5
Mixture 15.19.22
Cremona 8
Double Diapason 16
Open Diapason No.1 8
Open Diapason No.2 8
Claribel Flute 8
Principal 4
Flûte Harmonique 4
Twelfth 2 2/3
Fifteenth 2
Sesquialtera 17.19.22
Tromba 8
Clarion 4
Lieblich Bourdon 16
Open Diapason 8
Lieblich Gedackt 8
Salicional 8
Vox Angelica 8 (T.C)
Gemshorn 4
Flageolet 2
Mixture 17.19.22
Hautboy 8
Contra Fagotto 16
Cornopean 8
Clarion 4
East Choir
Contra Gamba 16
Claribel Flute 8
Gamba 8
Dulciana 8
Voix Céleste 8 (T.C)
Flûte Harmonique 4
Principal 4
Piccolo 2
Corno Di Bassetto 8
Tuba 8
East Choir to Pedal
Swell to Pedal
Great to Pedal
West Choir to Pedal
Swell to West Choir
East Choir to Great
Swell to Great
West Choir to Great
Swell Octave
Swell Unison Off
Swell Sub Octave
East Choir to Swell
East Choir Octave
East Choir Unison Off
Swell to East Choir
Great & Pedal Pistons Combined
Generals on Swell Toe Pistons
Manuals I & IV Exchange
Technical Details
Sample Rate - 48 kHz
Bit Depth - 24 bit
Channels - 4 (x2 Stereo channels - Front & Rear)
Reverb Tail - c. 3.3s
Tremulant Model - Sampled Chromatically
Compatible software - Hauptwerk Version 4.2 or higher
For best results, load every rank in 24 bit resolution. Loading in lower resolutions will introduce extra noise to the Sample Set, especially when several stops are drawn.